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Authentic Awakening Courses

When you live from your true self, you can access parts of your body and mind that are now unknown, undiscovered, and dormant to you.

For so long, I tried to be someone I am not, to gain acceptance, and it made me feel empty to be so false. I did this because I thought the real me was not good enough for people. I thought I had to pretend to be someone else to gain acceptance. My challenge has always been to be my true self and be accepted as that person, but I never quite achieved the goal until I had a good enough reason to succeed. My dream came out in the form of wanting to be a better mommy. I realised that to be a better mommy is to live as God intended me to and be my own true self. To be my authentic self, I needed to do what I believe we are meant to do on this earth, grow and evolve. Then, I accepted my calling as an animal communicator and healer. By combining this with my physiotherapy experience, I have become the me I have always wanted to be. A mommy to be proud of. Because I followed my calling against all odds, not because of my achievements. I became aware of my inner self and the world around me, changing my life forever. I want to share my journey with you. This quote has guided me through my most significant turmoil in life. Milyn.

“To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” Shakespeare

We aim to facilitate your transformation into your authentic self and guide you in becoming true to yourself. Our mission is to implement courses that increase awareness levels to harness self-power and awareness.  Why do you need this?

As you learn, you will achieve heightened awareness through working with the multiple layers of self. This awareness brings in the empowerment you need to change your world forever. You can live in awareness with an open heart that you never realised was possible. We can genuinely learn to follow our intuition with an open heart and a quiet mind. Our intuition enables us to communicate with animals and allows us to be guided by the universe.

Milyn believes in animals' eyes; we are more than a physical form. We are intention, emotion, energy, and spirit. They see who we really are; they gaze into our very souls. She believes animals are gifts from heaven to help us grow and learn as they can see into our inner being and build our consciousness; if we humans have the humility to listen!

Carl Jung said that, like one uses the power of a horse when riding, you can use the same power to harness your energy to help you move forward in life.  These courses are not focused on horses alone but on all animals.  Feel free to join as a non-horseman; however, we constantly draw from the wisdom of horses and Milyn’s vast equine experience and use it as inspiration. All teachings can be applied to all animal species, even on our Retreat.

Course facilitators draw on professional knowledge and experience of the different dimensions of working with people and animal patients. These courses will heighten your understanding of the consequences of not living your authentic self. They aim to encourage the continuous unfoldment of self-discovery, enabling you to discover your own way of authentic being.

Three online and enlightening programs and the hands-on retreat will be available soon.

Course A, The Authentic Self, presented by Milyn, focuses on bringing awareness to your body, emotions and mind and later to your animal’s. This awareness aims to awaken a deeper connection with yourself and your animal.

The first level focuses on physical awareness of the body, its tissue, its restrictions, its strengths and what this entails. A considerable part of this module is awareness of the sensation of being in your skin.

Level 2, The Sentient Self, aims to unlock your emotional and mental awareness by understanding the triggers affecting your ability to know and understand yourself deeply.

Level 3 is called Balance and focuses on achieving balance in your life and why it is essential. You must understand how the body, mind and spirit function before we teach you how to manage them effectively. Part of balance is learning how to love and nurture yourself. This module helps you understand and apply self-care, love and respect to handle conditions and situations destabilising you, like stress and mental health disease.

Level 4 - Horses, like people, have physical constraints and restrictions that lead to pain. Like humans, they need conditioning to reach and maintain their fullest potential. Here we aim to give you handpicked, tried and tested tools to address these musculoskeletal restrictions in yourself and your horse. It takes the definition of balance and awareness further to include the unity desired between horse and rider. This level is very beneficial for all animal owners, not just horsemen.

Understanding yourself, body, mind and soul is all it takes to live a more empowered life in awareness.

Course B, Being. Mindfulness and meditation related to animal owners is presented by Ivo Visic, a physiotherapist in private practice with a special interest in wellness and chronic pain. He has always been interested in the interface between body and mind and complementary approaches that synergise with the Western medical approach to improve health. This course focuses on creating a structured pathway to increase well-being for people living in the challenges of the modern day. It uses mindfulness practice to familiarise oneself with awareness itself (mindfulness). Practices are essentially meditation and movement practices linked to breath and body awareness.

Course C: Knowing is our Animal Communication course, also presented by Milyn, guiding you to feel and understand the tools you need to communicate with your animals. It opens your eyes to a whole new world.

This program focuses on expanding your awareness, as discovered in courses A and B, to further develop your intuition. By giving you an understanding of the energy in and around you and how you can tap into this energy, you can rediscover intuition. We teach you how to develop your unique style of communicating with animals. You learn about communication methods and how to interpret this communication. You know to see and hear animals from their individual personalities, emotions, dis-ease and inherent ability to rely on their instinct, something we need to develop daily. Be prepared that our animals are so good by nature that most of their concerns are for the people that they love. Things get personal and in-depth emotionally if your animals so desire.

Join us on this course and allow the animals to guide you into a new world.

The hands-on-healing course Dancing with Tissue (Retreat – see Learning menu), a practical approach run in the Western Cape and available in mid-2023, combines courses A and B and a teaser to course C. It will focus more on managing your horse's body, mind and soul through quietening and balancing your own. Again although we use horses, the techniques apply to all animals.

The Authentic Self and Mindfulness course are prerequisites for course C, Knowing. Courses A and B can be done as standalone.

The Retreat will draw from courses A and B and act as a prerequisite for course C.

The universe shows us that it wants us to live with honesty, loyalty and integrity for ourselves and others. It wants us to experience stillness to hear our inner being and the world around us. We want to help you achieve this.

Should we be heard,  these courses will change who you are forever.