Our Mission

What Authentic Awakening aims to achieve

We aim to facilitate your transformation into your authentic self and guide you in becoming true to yourself. You will achieve heightened awareness through working with the multiple layers of self. This awareness brings in the empowerment you need to change your world forever. You can live in awareness with an open heart that you never realised was possible. We can genuinely learn to follow our intuition with an open heart and a quiet mind. Our intuition enables us to better our connection and communicate with animals allowing us to be guided by the universe.

Course A: The Authentic Self

The path to awareness awakening.

Suppose you are the kind of animal enthusiast searching for better self-understanding and more meaning, so you can live a happier, more self-aware life without feeling overwhelmed and disoriented. 

In that case, you’re going to love the Authentic Self Course.

The Authentic Self focuses on bringing awareness to your body, emotions, mind, and, later, your animal. This awareness aims to awaken a deeper connection between yourself and your animal. 

Understanding yourself, your body, mind, and soul is all it takes to live a more empowered life in awareness. Click above on All Courses for more information.

Course B: Being

Mindfulness and meditation for animal owners.

This course focuses on creating a structured pathway to increase well-being for people living in the challenges of the modern day. It uses mindfulness practice to familiarise oneself with awareness itself (mindfulness). 

Practices are essentially meditation and movement practices linked to breath and body awareness. 

By “Being” in yourself, you take the first step to hearing your intuition. 

Click above on All Courses for more information..

Course C: Knowing

Open your heart to listen to your intuition.

This course focuses on rediscovering and expanding your intuition by harnessing the energy in and around you to develop your unique style and method of communicating with your animals. 

Click above on All Courses for more information.

Trust that you are in the right place at the right time

Trust that your intuition and the right kind of chance have bought you here. There are no coincidences in life.

We invite you to join us on this journey with an open mind. Explore and learn how to understand and regulate your body, mind, and spirit, let go of it all simultaneously, and develop a personal relationship with your true, authentic self, your Soul.

“Have blind faith. Trust and believe. Faith over fear. Follow your soul…it knows the way.”

Your Instructors

Course facilitators draw on professional knowledge and experience of the different dimensions of working with people and animal patients. These courses will heighten your understanding of the consequences of not living your authentic self. They aim to encourage the continuous unfoldment of self-discovery, enabling you to discover your own way of authentic being.

Milyn Brazier

Animal Intuitive

As a qualified physiotherapist Milyn’s path led her to her first love – animals. Under many years of tutelage by incredible mentors, her ability to analyse and treat both humans and horses (from beginner to professional level) gives Milyn a profound insight to the unique connection between rider and steed. Milyn uses her experience, her intuition, her own fallibility and her deep desire to promote the connection between humans and animals to give others the permission they seek to truly understand, truly connect and truly heal – themselves and their animal family, so that they can fulfill they potential they’ve been gifted. Through awareness, anything is possible.

Ivo Visic

Mindfulness Coach + Physiotherapist

Ivo Visic is a physiotherapist in private practice with a special interest in wellness and chronic pain. He has worked in many contexts from home-based care, hospice work, hospital work and general musculoskeletal practice. As a physiotherapist he has always been interested in the interface between body and mind and complementary approaches that synergise with the western medical approach to improve wellness. He has lectured health care professionals through his Mindful Medicine course and runs 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses geared to Health Care Workers, as well as people wanting to discover the benefits of mindfulness in their daily lives. He has lectured and facilitated on various topics around wellness, coaching, stress management and trauma/anxiety management in musculoskeletal contexts in medical as well as corporate environments. He is currently finishing his Post-Grad in Mindfulness Based Interventions at Stellenbosch and is looking at doing his Masters in Mindfulness thereafter..

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